Home Approximate Contours & Convex Hull

Approximate Contours & Convex Hull

How to create approximate contours?

We can create approximate contours by
cv2.approxPolyDP(curve, epsilon, closed) where

  • curve : a individual contour we wish to approximate
  • epsilon : Important parameter is determining the accuracy of the approximation. Small values give precise- approximations, large values give more generic approximation.
    We can get epsilon by
    small number * cv2.arcLength(curve, closed)
  • closed : a Boolean value that states whether the approximate contour should be open or closed.


What is Convex Hull?

convex curves are the curves which are always bulged out, or at-least flat. And if it is bulged inside, it is called convexity defects. We can get Convex Hull as: cv2.convexHull(points) where

  • points : a individual contour.



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