Home DropBlock


What is DropBlock?

It is a way to perform Regularization. It is almost same as Dropout. However, there is a key difference: DropBlock drops random ‘blocks’ of features to address the disadvantages of Dropout like:



torchvision.ops.drop_block2d(input, p, block_size, inplace=Fales, eps=1-06, training=True)->Tensor where:

  • input : The input tensor or 4-dimensions with the first one being its batch.

  • p : Probability of an element to be dropped.

  • block_size : Size of the block to drop.

  • inplace : If set to True, will do this operation in-place.

  • eps : A value added to the denominator for numerical stability.

  • training : apply dropblock if is True.

  • Tensor : The randomly zeroed tensor after dropblock.

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