Home Image Moments

Image Moments

What is Image Moments?

Image moment is a certain particular weighted average (moment) of the image pixels’ intensities, or a function of such moments, usually chosen to have some attractive property or interpretation.
In openCV, it is used as
Through this method, we can get

$M\ =\ \begin{cases}zero\ order\ moments\ :\ m_{00}\\ first\ moments\ :\ m_{10},\ m{01}\\ secnod\ moments\ :\ m_{11},\ m_{20},\ m_{02}\\ third\ moments\ :\ mu_{11},\ mu_{20},\ mu_{02}\\ second\ central\ moments\ :\ mu_{11},\ mu_{20},\ mu_{02}\\ third\ central\ moments\ :\ mu_{21},\ mu_{12},\ mu_{30},\ mu_{03}\\ second\ normalized\ central\ moments\ :\ nu_{11},\ nu_{20},\ nu_{02}\\ third\ normalized\ central\ moments\ :\ nu_{21},\ nu_{12},\ nu_{30},\ nu_{03},\ \end{cases}$

By the output, we can calculate

  • Mass center($ \bar{x},\ \bar{y} $) : $ \bar{x}\ =\ \frac{m_{10}}{m_{00}},\ \bar{y}\ =\ \frac{m_{01}}{m_{00}}$
  • Spatial moments : $ m_{ij}\ =\ \sum_{x,y}(array(x,y)*x^{i}y^{j}) $
  • Central moments : $ mu{ij}\ =\ \sum_{x,y}(array(x,y)*(x-\bar{x})^{i}(y-\bar{y}^{j})) $
  • Normalized central moments : $ nu_{ij}\ =\ \frac{mu_{ij}}{m_{00}^{\frac{i+j}{2}+1}} $


Moments, Sorting, Approximating & Matching Contours

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