Home WLS Estimator

WLS Estimator

WLS(Weighted Least-Squares) Estimator

A Least-Squares(LS) estimator is defined as follows when the measurement equation is given as $Z(k)=h(x,k(+V(k)))$ and a measurement vectors are given by $z_{k}={z(0),z(1), \ldots,z(k)}$.

$J(k) = \sum_{n=0}^{k}(z(n)-h(\hat{x}^{LS},n))^{T}(z(n)-h(\hat{x}^{LS},n))$

Since the LS estimator minimizes the sum of squared errors, it can be considered a non-Bayesian version of the MMSE estimator.

Additionally, the LS estimator does not make any assumptions about the probabilistic characteristics of the measurement noise. Thus, measurement noise is not treated as a random vector; rather, it is considered an arbitrary deterministic value.

The Weighted Least-Squares (WLS) estimator is then defined as an estimator that minimizes the weighted sum of squared errors, as follows when the measurement equation is given by $Z(k)=H(k)x+V(k)$ and the measurement vector is given as $z_{k}= { z(0), z(1), \ldots, z(k) }$.

$J(k) = \sum_{n=0}^{k}(z(n)-H(n)\hat{x}^{WLS})^{T}R^{-1}(n)(z(n)-H(n)\hat{x}^{WLS})$

where $R(n)$ is a weighted matrix.

Then, differentiate $J(k)$ with $\hat{x}^{WLS}$ to get the minimum value of $J(k)$.

$\frac{dJ(k)}{d\hat{x}^{WLS}} = -2(H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}(z^{k}-H^{k}\hat{x}^{WLS}) = 0$
$\therefore \hat{x}^{WLS}(k)=((H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}H^{k})^{-1}(H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}z^{k}$

Here, the measurement error $\tilde{X}$ and the covariance of the estimation error $P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}$ are given as:

$\tilde{X}(k) = x - \hat{X}^{WLS}(k) = -((H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}H^{k})^{-1}(H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}V^{k}$
$P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k) = \mathbb{E}[\tilde{X}(k)\tilde{X}^{T}(k)] = ((H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}H^{k})^{-1}(H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}\mathbb{E}[V^{k}(V^{k})^{T}](R^{k})^{-1}H^{k}((H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}H^{k})^{-1}$

If $\mathbb{E}[V^{T}(l)]=R(k)\delta_{kl}$, $P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k)$ simplifies to:

$P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k) =((H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}H^{k})^{-1}$

This type of estimator is called a batch WLS estimator. If a new measurement $z(k+1)$ is given, it should gather the measurements from $z(0)$ to $z(k+1)$ to form $z^{k+1}$, then update the corresponding $H^{k+1}$ and $R^{k+1}$, and finally, recalculate $\hat{x}^{WLS}(k+1)$.

Recursive WLS Estimator

To address the disadvantage of recalculating $\hat{x}^{WLS}(k+1)$ in a batch WLS estimator, a recursive WLS estimator that updates the existing estimate has been introduced.To transform a batch WLS estimator into a recursive WLS estimator, the parameters used in the WLS estimator are represented as:

$z^{k+1} = \begin{bmatrix} z^{k} \\ z(k+1) \end{bmatrix}$
$H^{k+1}=\begin{bmatrix} H^{k} \\ H(k+1) \end{bmatrix}$
$v^{k+1}=\begin{bmatrix} v^{k} \\ v(k+1) \end{bmatrix}$
$R^{k+1}=\begin{bmatrix} R^{k} && 0 \\ 0 && R(k+1) \end{bmatrix}$

Next, $P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}^{-1}$ is calculated as:

$=((H^{k})^{T}H^{T}(k+1))\begin{bmatrix} R^{k} && 0 \\ 0 && R(k+1) \end{bmatrix}$
$=(H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}H^{k} + H^{T}(k+1)R^{-1}(k+1)H(k+1)$
$\therefore P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k+1)=(P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k)+H^{T}(k+1)R^{-1}(k+1)H(k+1))^{-1}$


  • $S(k+1) = H(k+1)P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k)H^{T}(k+1)+R(k+1)$

  • $K(k+1) = P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k)H^{T}(k+1)S^{-1}(k+1)$

To express $P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}$ in terms of $K$, multiply both sides by $H^{T}(k+1)R^{-1}(k+1)$.


The updated estimate $\hat{x}^{WLS}(k+1)$ is then calculated as:

$=P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k+1)(H^{k+1})^{T}(R^{k+1})^{-1}z^{k+1}$ $=P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k+1)((H^{k})^{T}H^{T}(k+1))\begin{bmatrix} R^{k} && 0 \\ 0 && R(k+1) \end{bmatrix}^{-1}\begin{bmatrix} z^{k} \\ z(k+1) \end{bmatrix}$
$=P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k+1)(H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}z^{k} + P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k+1)H^{T}(k+1)R^{-1}(k+1)z(k+1)$
$=(I-K(k+1)H(k+1))P_{\tilde{X}\tilde{X}}(k)(H^{k})^{T}(R^{k})^{-1}z^{k} + K(k+1)z(k+1)$
$=\hat{x}^{WLS}(k) + K(k+1)(z(k+1)-H(k+1)\hat{x}^{WLS}(k))$
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