
Remove Noise

How to Remove Noise? There are 4 ways to remove noise that can be applied in each situation. cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising(src, dst, h, templateWindowSize, SearchWindowSize) is used for image i...

Restore Damged Photos

How to Restore Damaged Photos? We can restore damaged photos by preparing two images one with a damaged image and the other with an image that the damaged areas(want to restore) are marked manually...


What is readNetFromTensorflow? cv2.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow(bufferModel, bufferConfig) reads a network model stored in TensorFlow framework’s format where: bufferModel : buffer containin...


What is readNetFromCaffe? cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(prototxt, caffeModel) reads a network model stored in Caffe framework’s format. where: prototxt : path to the .prototxt file with text d...

Colorize image

What is Colorize image We can color the black-white(grayscale) image by Caffe Model. The colorize model consists of many convolutional layers. Let’s see the structure of colorize model. St...


What is readNetFromTorch? cv2.dnn.readNetFromTorch(model, isBinary, evaluate) reads a network model stored in Torch7 framework’s format where model : Path to the file, dumped from Torch b...


What is blobFromImage? cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, scalefactor, size, mean, swapRB, crop, ddepth) -> retval creates 4-dimensional blob from image. Optionally resizes and crops image from center...

Barcode & QR Reading

How to read Barcode & QR? It can be done simply by pyzbar.pyzbar.decode(input image) -> [tuple]. The return tuple includes: data : The data contained in a barcode or QR code. We can...


What is EasyOCR? It is used for OCR. EasyOCR is used as easyocr.Reader(lang_list, gpu, model_storagedirectory, download_enabled, user_network_directory, recog_network, detector, recognizer) where, ...


What is PyTesseract? Python-tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool for python. That is, it will recognize and read the text embedded in images. Functions of PyTesseract ...