
Expected Value and Variance

Expected Value The expectation or mean of the random variable $X$, denoted $\mathbb{E}[X]$, is defined by equation [1]. $\mathbb{E}[X] = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}xp_{X}(x)dx$ [1] The $k^...

Bayes' Theorem

Bayes’ Theorem n events $B_{i}, i=1, 2, \ldots , n$, are mutually exclusive, as shown in the image below. Therefore, $P(B_{i}, B_{j})=0 \ \forall \ i \neq j$. Considering the entire sample s...

Probability and Random Vector

Probability Experiments in which the results are not known in advance are called random experiments, although we can predict what is likely to happen. A set of outcomes from a random experiment is ...

Hungarian Method

Hungarian Method The Hungarian method is an algorithm for efficiently solving an assignment problem. The assignment problem involves efficiently distributing multiple resources to multiple tasks, ...

Kalman Filter

Kalman Filter The Kalman Filter is an MMSE estimator that uses the state-space equation of the system and is an optimal data processing algorithm with a recursive structure. Initially, Kalman Filt...


Simple Online and Realtime Tracking(SORT) SORT is a novel multi-object tracking algorithm that separates the detector and the assigner, unlike other traditional tracking algorithms. Additionally, ...


ALOHA ALOHA is an abbreviation for “A Low-cost Open-source Hardware system for bimanual teleoperation”. As the name suggests, ALOHA is used for fine manipulation tasks. In this paper, the authors ...

Mobile ALOHA

Mobile ALOHA Mobile ALOHA is a low-cost, whole-body teleoperation system for data collection. It augments the ALOHA system for data collection. With the data collected by Mobile ALOHA, perform sup...


Deep SORT Deep SORT integrates appearance information to improve the performance of SORT (Simple Online and Realtime Tracking). As SORT did, Deep SORT also places much of the computational complex...

Pareto Front

What is Pareto Front? The Pareto front, also known as the Pareto frontier or Pareto set, is a concept used in multi-objective optimization to describe a set of optimal solutions that represent the...