

What is BiomacEMG? BiomacEMG is a concept suggested by an article. In the article, BiomacEMG classifies seven hand gestures using machine learning. The gestures are: Let’s now see how it work...

Gaussian Distribution

Gaussian Distribution The Gaussian distribution, also known as the normal distribution, is a type of continuous probability distribution. The general form of its probability density function is : ...

Terms of ROS

Master The Master acts like a nameserver for message communication and connection between nodes. roscore is a run command. If the Master is activated, you can register each node’s name and get inf...


What is a Simulation? A Simulation is one of the components of ROS. A Simulation is used to control a robot in a virtual space. Compositions of Simulation gazebo ros pkgs s...

Software Development Tools

What are Software Development Tools? Software Development Tools are one of the components of ROS. Components of Software Development Tools RViz rqt wstool ...

Robotics Application Framework

What is the Robotics Application Framework? The Robotics Application Framework is one of the components of ROS. The Robotics Application Framework is used to support the creation of various robot...

Communication Layer

What is the Communication Layer? The Communication Layer is one of the components of ROS. The Communication Layer is used for data communication. Components of the Communication Layer ...

Robotics Application

What is a Robotics Application? A Robotics Application is one of the components of ROS. A Robotics Application is an application for service. Components of a Robotics Application Move...

Hardware Interface Layer

What is the Hardware Interface Layer? The Hardware Interface Layer is one of the components of ROS. The Hardware Interface Layer is used to support the control of hardware. Components of the H...

Client Layer

What is the Client Layer? The Client Layer is one of the components of ROS. The Client Layer is used to support multiple programming languages. Compositions of Client Layer roscpp ...