
Approximate Contours & Convex Hull

How to create approximate contours? We can create approximate contours by cv2.approxPolyDP(curve, epsilon, closed) where curve : a individual contour we wish to approximate epsilon : Importa...

Image Moments

What is Image Moments? Image moment is a certain particular weighted average (moment) of the image pixels’ intensities, or a function of such moments, usually chosen to have some attractive propert...


What is Contours? Contours are continous lines or curves that bound or cover the full boundary of an object. It can be used as cv2.findContours(image, mode, method) -> contours, hierarchy where ...

Edge detecting

What is Edge Detecting? As you can see in the word “Edge detecting”, it can detect edge by cv2.Canny(image, threshold1, threshold2) where: image = 8-bit input image. threshold1 = any value bel...

Thresholding in image

What is Thresholding in image? As you can see in thresholding, in openCV, thresholding changes the values of pixels based on a specific value. It can be used as: cv2.threshold(src, thresh, maxva...

Blurring and Denoising

What is Blurring? As you can see the name Blurring, it blurs an image by: Convolution : It uses a convolution layer in order to get blurred images. It can be used as: cv2.filter2D(src, ddepth,...

Arithmetic and Bitwise Operation

What is Arithmetic Operation? These are simple operations that allow us to directly add or subtract from the color intensity. They calculate the per-element operation of two arrays. The overall ef...

Image Resizing, Scaling

What is image Resizing? In image resizing, we simply change the width and height. To do image Resizing, we can use cv2.resize(image, dsize(output imagesize), x_scale, y_scale, interpolation) If ds...

Image Transformation

What is Image Transformation? Image transformation performs two role: Image translation : image translation simply shifts the position of an image. Image rotation : image rotation makes the i...

SSD(Single Shot Detection)

What is SSD(Single Shot Detection)? SSD is devised to improve YOLO, which can’t detect small objects. SSD differs from YOLO in two main aspects: Multi Scale Feature Maps Default...