
Gestures and Actions recognition

How to Recognize Gestures and Actions We use the MPII model to recognize human gestures and actions. The MPII model was developed using a specific CNN architecture called VGG. The structure of VGG...

Style Transfer

What is Style Transfer? As you can see in the word “style transfer”, it converts the style of an image like: Style transfer consists of several convolutional layers and pooling layers. ...


What is Deep Dream? Deep Dream is a computer vision algorithm created by Alexander Mordvintsev from Google. The algorithm works by creating a dream-like effect. Deep Dream works by feeding an image...

YOLOv3(You Only Look Once)

What is YOLOv3? YOLO is similar to CNN. However, there are no flattening layers in YOLOv3. The basic structure of YOLO is: As you can see in the image above, the goal of YOLO is to generate bo...

Discriminator in GANs

What is discriminator in GANs? The discriminator is a basic ANN that is trained to perform a classification task. The discriminator is trained to: Output = 0 (probability = 0%) : The input ima...

Generator in GANs

What is a generator in GANs? The generator tries to create fake images from random noise signals and outputs images. Its objective is to fool the discriminator. The labels of the generator are mar...


What are GANs(Generative adversarial Networks)? GANs generate new images that have never existed before. GANs are formed of two competing networks known as the generator and discriminator. The ...

Transfer Learning & Fine Tuning

What is Transfer Learning? Transfer learning is a machine learning method where a model developed for a task is reused (pre-trained model) as the starting point for a model on a second task. The pr...


What is Actor-Critic? Actor-Critic is a component of TD3. As you can guess from the name, Actor-Critic is composed of two networks: Actor network The Actor is the same as the policy gradient. T...

Twin Delayed DDPG(TD3)

What is the Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm (TD3)? TD3 is a type of deep reinforcement learning. TD3 involves double learning with a single optimal value, which includes ...